VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) NAME VOGLE - A very ordinary graphics learning environment. DESCRIPTION VOGLE is a library of C routines for doing line drawings and polygon fills in 2 and 3 Dimensions. It handles circles, curves, arcs, patches, polygons, and software text in a dev- ice independent fashion. Simple hidden line removal is also available via polygon backfacing. Access to hardware text and double buffering of drawings depends on the driver. There is also a FORTRAN interface but as it goes through the C routines FORTRAN users are warned that arrays are in row- column order in C. A SUN Pascal interface has also been pro- vided. The following is a brief summary of the VOGLE subrou- tines. Include files. There are two include files provided with vogle: vogle.h and Vogle.h. The lowercase vogle.h is the C header file which most vogle C programs would include. The uppercase Vogle.h is the SUN Pascal header file which contains the forward/external declarations for Pascal. This header file should be included just after the program statement of a Pascal program. The following is a brief summary of the VOGLE subroutines. Device routines. vinit(device) Initialise the device. Fortran: subroutine vinit(device) character *(*) device C: vinit(device); char *device; Pascal: procedure Vinit(device: string_t) Note 1 :- Current available devices are: tek - tektronix 4010 and compatibles hpgl - HP Graphics language and compatibles dxy - roland DXY plotter language postscript - postscript devices ppostscript - postscript devices (portrait mode) VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 1 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) sun - Sun workstations running sunview X11 - X windows (SUN's OPenwindows etc etc) decX11 - the decstation window manager apollo - Apollo workstations hercules - IBM PC hercules graphics card cga - IBM PC cga graphics card ega - IBM PC ega graphics card vga - IBM PC vga graphics card sigma - IBM PC sigma graphics card. Sun, X11, decX11, apollo, hercules, cga and ega support double buffering. Note 2 :- If device is a NULL or a null string the value of the environment variable "VDEVICE" is taken as the device type to be opened. Note 3 :- after init it is wise to explicitly clear the screen. e.g.: in C color(BLACK); clear(); or in Fortran call color(BLACK) call clear or in Pascal Color(BLACK); Clear; vexit() Reset the window/terminal (must be the last VOGLE rou- tine called) Fortran: subroutine vexit C: vexit() Pascal: procedure Vexit; voutput(path) Redirect output from *next* vinit to file given by path. This routine only applies to devices drivers that write to stdout e.g. postscript and hpgl. VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 2 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) Fortran: subroutine voutput(path) character*(*) path C: voutput(path) char *path; Pascal: procedure Voutput(path: string_t) vnewdev(device) Reinitialize VOGLE to use a new device without changing attributes, viewport etc. (eg. window and viewport specifications) Fortran: subroutine vnewdev(device) character *(*) device C: vnewdev(device) char *device; Pascal: VnewDev(device: string_t) vgetdev(device) Gets the name of the current VOGLE device. The C ver- sion of the routine also returns a pointer to it's argument. Fortran: subroutine vgetdev(device) character *(*) device C: char * vgetdev(device) char *device; Pascal: procedure VgetDev(var device: string_t) getdepth() Returns the number of bit planes (or color planes) for a particular device. The number of colors displayable by the device is then 2**(nplanes-1) Fortran: integer function getdepth() VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 3 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) C: int getdepth() Pascal: function GetDepth(): integer; Routines For Setting Up Windows. Some devices are basically window orientated - like sunview and X11. You can give vogle some information on the window that it will use with these routines. These can make your code very device independant. Both routines take arguments which are in device space. (0, 0) is the top left hand corner in device space. To have any effect these routines must be called before vinit. prefposition(x, y) Specify the preferred position of the window opened by the *next* vinit. Fortran: subroutine prefposition(x, y) integer x, y C: prefposition(x, y) int x, y; Pascal: procedure PrefPosition(x, y: integer) prefsize(width, height) Specify the preferred width and height of the window opened by the *next* vinit. Fortran: subroutine prefsize(width, height) integer width, height C: prefsize(width, height) int width, height; Pascal: procedure PrefSize(width, height: integer) General Routines. clear() Clears the screen to the current colour. VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 4 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) Fortran: subroutine clear C: clear() Pascal: procedure Clear color(col) Set the current colour. The standard colours are as follows: black = 0 red = 1 green = 2 yellow = 3 blue = 4 magenta = 5 cyan = 6 white = 7. Fortran: subroutine color(col) integer col C: color(col) int col; Pascal: procedure Color mapcolor(indx, red, green, blue) Set the color map index indx to the color represented by (red, green, blue). If the device has no color map this call does nothing. Fortran: subroutine mapcolor(indx, red, green, blue) integer indx, red, green, blue C: mapcolor(indx, red, green, blue) int indx, red, green, blue; Pascal: procedure MapColor(indx, red, green, blue: integer) clipping(onoff) Turn clipping on or off. Non-zero is considered on. Note: on some devices turning clipping off may not be a good idea. Fortran: subroutine clipping(onoff) logical onoff C: VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 5 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) clipping(onoff) int onoff; Pascal: procedure Clipping(onoff: boolean) getkey() Return the ascii ordinal of the next key typed at the keyboard. If the device has no keyboard getkey returns -1. Fortran: integer function getkey C: int getkey() Pascal: function GetKey(): integer; checkkey() Returns zero if no key is pressed or the ascii ordinal of the key that was pressed. Fortran: integer function checkkey() C: int checkey() Pascal: function CheckKey(): integer; getstring(bcol, string) Read in a string, echoing it in the current font, using the current color and the current transformation. bcol is the background color which is used for erasing char- acters after a backspace or a delete key is received. Getstring interprets the Backspace key (ascii 8) and the Del key (ascii 127) as erasing characters. An EOT (ascii 4) or a Carraige return (ascii 13) will ter- minate input. Getstring returns the number of charac- ters read. Getstring does not check for overflow in the input buffer string Fortran: integer function getstring(bcol, string) integer bcol character *(*) string C: int VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 6 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) getstring(bcol, string) int bcol; char *string; Pascal: function GetString(bcol: integer; var string: string_t): integer; locator(xaddr, yaddr) Find out where the cursor is. xaddr and yaddr are set to the current location in world coordinates. The func- tion returns a bit pattern which indicates which but- tons are being held down eg. if mouse buttons 1 and 3 are down locator returns binary 101 (decimal 7). The function returns -1 if the device has no locator capa- bility. Note: if you have been doing a lot of 3-D transformations xaddr and yaddr may not make a lot of sense. In this case use slocator. Fortran: integer function locator(xaddr, yaddr) real xaddr, yaddr C: int locator(xaddr, yaddr) float *xaddr, *yaddr; Pascal: function Locator(var xaddr, yaddr: real): integer; slocator(xaddr, yaddr) Find out where the cursor is. xaddr and yaddr are set to the current location in screen coordinates. The return value of the function is set up in the same way as with locator. If the device has no locator device slocator returns -1. Fortran: integer function slocator(xaddr, yaddr) real xaddr, yaddr C: int slocator(xaddr, yaddr) float *xaddr, *yaddr; Pascal: Function Slocator(var xaddr, yaddr: real): integer; Viewport Routines. viewport(left, right, bottom, top) Specify which part of the screen to draw in. Left, right, bottom, and top are real values in screen VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 7 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) coordinates (-1.0 to 1.0). Fortran: subroutine viewport(left, right, bottom, top) real left, right, bottom, top C: viewport(left, right, bottom, top) float left, right, bottom, top; Pascal: procedure ViewPort(left, right, bottom, top: real); pushviewport() Save current viewport. Fortran: subroutine pushviewport C: pushviewport() Pascal: procedure PushViewPort; popviewport() Retrieve last viewport. Fortran: subroutine popviewport C: popviewport() Pascal: procedure PopViewPort; getviewport(left, right, bottom, top) Returns the left, right, bottom and top limits of the current viewport in screen coordinates (-1.0 to 1.0). Fortran: subroutine getviewport(left, right, bottom, top) real left, right, bottom, top C: getviewport(left, right, bottom, top) float *left, *right, *bottom, *top; Pascal: procedure GetViewPort(var left, right, bottom, top: real) VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 8 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) Getting the aspect details Often the screen is not perfectly square and it would be nice to use the extra space without having to turn clipping off. The following routines are provided to get the values needed to adjust the calls to viewport, etc as needed. getaspect() Returns the ratio height over width of the display dev- ice. Fortran: real function getaspect() C: float getaspect() Pascal: function GetAspect(): real; getfactors(wfact, hfact) Returns wfact as the width over min(width of device, height of device) and hfact as the height over min(width of device, height of device). Fortran: subroutine getfactors(w, h) real w, h C: getfactors(w, h) float *w, *h; Pascal: procedure GetFactors(var w, h: real) getdisplaysize(w, h) Returns the width and height of the device in pixels in w and h respectively. Fortran: subroutine getdisplaysize(w, h) real w, h C: getdisplaysize(w, h) float *w, *h; Pascal: procedure GetDisplaySize(var w, h: real) VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 9 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) Attribute Stack Routines. The attribute stack contains details such as current color, filling, hatching, centered, fixedwidth, text height, text width, and the current font. If you need to prevent object calls form changing these, use pushattributes before the call and popattributes after. pushattributes() Save the current attributes on the attribute stack. Fortran: subroutine pushattributes C: pushattributes() Pascal: procedure PushAttributes; popattributes() Restore the attributes to what they were at the last pushattribute(). Fortran: subroutine popattributes C: popattributes() Pascal: procedure PopAttributes; Projection Routines. All the projection routines define a new transformation matrix, and consequently the world units. Parallel projec- tions are defined by ortho or ortho2. Perspective projec- tions can be defined by perspective and window. ortho(left, right, bottom, top, near, far) Define x (left, right), y (bottom, top), and z (near, far) clipping planes. The near and far clipping planes are actually specified as distances along the line of sight. These distances can also be negative. The actual location of the clipping planes is z = -near_d and z = -far_d. Fortran: subroutine ortho(left, right, bottom, top, near_d, far_d) real left, right, bottom, top, near_d, far_d C: ortho(left, right, bottom, top, near_d, far_d) VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 10 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) float left, right, bottom, top, near_d, far_d; Pascal: procedure Ortho(left, right, bottom, top, near_d, far_d: real) ortho2(left, right, bottom, top) Define x (left, right), and y (bottom, top) clipping planes. Fortran: subroutine ortho2(left, right, bottom, top) real left, right, bottom, top C: ortho2(left, right, bottom, top) float left, right, bottom, top; Pascal: procedure Ortho2(left, right, bottom, top: real) perspective(fov, aspect, near, far) Specify a perspective viewing pyramid in world coordi- nates by giving a field of view, aspect ratio and the distance from the eye of the near and far clipping plane. Fortran: subroutine perspective(fov, aspect, near, far) real fov, aspect, near, far C: perspective(fov, aspect, near, far) float fov, aspect, near, far; Pascal: procedure Perspective(fov, aspect, near, far: real) window(left, right, bot, top, near, far) Specify a perspective viewing pyramid in world coordinates by give the rectangle closest to the eye (ie. at the near clipping plane) and the distances to the near and far clipping planes. Fortran: subroutine window(left, right, bot, top, near, far) real left, right, bot, top, near, far C: window(left, right, bot, top, near, far) float left, right, bot, top, near, far; Pascal: VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 11 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) procedure Window(left, right, bot, top, near, far: real) Matrix Stack Routines. pushmatrix() Save the current transformation matrix on the matrix stack. Fortran: subroutine pushmatrix C: pushmatrix() Pascal: procedure PushMatrix popmatrix() Retrieve the last matrix pushed and make it the current transformation matrix. Fortran: subroutine popmatrix C: popmatrix() Pascal: procedure PopMatrix Viewpoint Routines. Viewpoint routines alter the current tranformation matrix. polarview(dist, azim, inc, twist) Specify the viewer's position in polar coordinates by giving the distance from the viewpoint to the world origin, the azimuthal angle in the x-y plane, measured from the y-axis, the incidence angle in the y-z plane, measured from the z-axis, and the twist angle about the line of sight. Fortran: subroutine polarview(dist, azim, inc, twist) real dist, azim, inc, twist C: polarview(dist, azim, inc, twist) float dist, azim, inc, twist; Pascal: procedure PolarView(dist, azim, inc, twist: real) up(x, y, z) VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 12 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) Specify the world up. This can be used to prevent lookat's sometimes annoying habit of turning everything upside down due to the line of sight crossing the appropriate axis. Fortran: subroutine up(x, y, z) real x, y, z C: up(x, y, z) float x, y, z; Pascal: procedure Up(x, y, z: real) lookat(vx, vy, vz, px, py, pz, twist) Specify the viewer's position by giving a viewpoint and a reference point in world coordinates. A twist about the line of sight may also be given. Fortran: subroutine lookat(vx, vy, vz, px, py, pz, twist) real vx, vy, vz, px, py, pz, twist C: lookat(vx, vy, vz, px, py, pz, twist) float vx, vy, vz, px, py, pz, twist; Pascal: procedure LookAt(vx, vy, vz, px, py, pz, twist: real) Move Routines. move(x, y, z) Move current graphics position to (x, y, z). (x, y, z) is a point in world coordinates. Fortran: subroutine move(x, y, z) real x, y, z C: move(x, y, z) float x, y, z; Pascal: procedure Move(x, y, z: real) rmove(deltax, deltay, deltaz) Relative move. deltax, deltay, and deltaz are offsets in world units. VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 13 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) Fortran: subroutine rmove(deltax, deltay, deltaz) real deltax, deltay, deltaz C: rmove(deltax,deltay) float deltax, deltay, deltaz; Pascal: procedure Rmove(deltax, deltay, deltaz: real) move2(x, y) Move graphics position to point (x, y). (x, y) is a point in world coordinates. Fortran: subroutine move2(x, y) real x, y C: move2(x, y) float x, y; Pascal: procedure Move2(x, y: real) rmove2(deltax, deltay) Relative move2. deltax and deltay are offsets in world units. Fortran: subroutine rmove2(deltax, deltay) real deltax, deltay C: rmove2(deltax, deltay) float deltax, deltay; Pascal: procedure Rmove2(deltax, deltay: real) smove2(x, y) Move current graphics position in screen coordinates (-1.0 to 1.0). Fortran: subroutine smove2(x, y) real x, y C: smove2(x, y) float x, y; VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 14 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) Pascal: procedure Smove2(x, y: real) rsmove2(deltax, deltay) Relative smove2. deltax, and deltay are offsets in screen units (-1.0 to 1.0). Fortran: subroutine rsmove2(deltax, deltay) real deltax, deltay C: rsmove2(deltax, deltay) float deltax, deltay; Pascal: procedure Rsmove2(deltax, deltay: real) Drawing Routines. draw(x, y, z) Draw from current graphics position to (x, y, z). (x, y, z) is a point in world coordinates. Fortran: subroutine draw(x, y, z) real x, y, z C: draw(x, y, z) float x, y, z; Pascal: procedure Draw(x, y, z: real) rdraw(deltax, deltay, deltaz) Relative draw. deltax, deltay, and deltaz are offsets in world units. Fortran: subroutine rdraw(deltax, deltay, deltaz) real deltax, deltay, deltaz C: rdraw(deltax, deltay, deltaz) float deltax, deltay, deltaz; Pascal: procedure Rdraw(deltax, deltay, deltaz: real) draw2(x, y) Draw from current graphics position to point (x, y). (x, y) is a point in world coordinates. VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 15 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) Fortran: subroutine draw2(x, y) real x, y C: draw2(x, y) float x, y; Pascal: procedure Draw2(x, y: real) rdraw2(deltax,deltay) Relative draw2. deltax and deltay are offsets in world units. Fortran: subroutine rdraw2(deltax, deltay) real deltax, deltay C: rdraw2(deltax, deltay) float deltax, deltay; Pascal: procedure Rdraw2(deltax, deltay: real) sdraw2(x, y) Draw in screen coordinates (-1.0 to 1.0). Fortran: subroutine sdraw2(x, y) real x, y C: sdraw2(x, y) float x, y; Pascal: procedure Sdraw2(x, y: real) rsdraw2(deltax, deltay) Relative sdraw2. delatx and deltay are in screen units (-1.0 to 1.0). Fortran: subroutine rsdraw2(deltax, deltay) real deltax, deltay C: rsdraw2(deltax, deltay) float deltax, deltay; Pascal: VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 16 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) procedure Rsdraw2(deltax, deltay: real) Arcs and Circles. circleprecision(nsegs) Set the number of line segments making up a circle. Default is currently 32. The number of segments in an arc or sector is calculated from nsegs according the span of the arc or sector. This replaces the routine arcprecision. Fortran: subroutine circleprecision(nsegs) integer nsegs C: circleprecision(nsegs) int nsegs; Pascal: procedure CirclePrecision(nsegs: integer) arc(x, y, radius, startang, endang) Draw an arc. x, y, and radius are values in world units. Fortran: subroutine arc(x, y, radius, startang, endang) real x, y, radius; real startang, endang; C: arc(x, y, radius, startang, endang) float x, y, radius; float startang, endang; Pascal: procedure Arc(x, y, radius, startang, endang: real) sector(x, y, radius, startang, endang) Draw a sector. x, y, and radius are values in world units. Note: sectors are regarded as polygons, so if polyfill or polyhatch has been called with 1, the sec- tors will be filled or hatched accordingly. Fortran: subroutine sector(x, y, radius, startang, endang) real x, y, radius; real startang, endang; C: sector(x, y, radius, startang, endang) float x, y, radius; float startang, endang; Pascal: procedure Sector(x, y, radius, startang, endang: real) VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 17 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) circle(x, y, radius) Draw a circle. x, y, and radius are values in world units. Note: circles are regarded as polygons, so if polyfill or polyhatch has been called with 1, the cir- cle will be filled or hatched accordingly. x and y real coordinates in user units. Fortran: subroutine circle(x, y, radius) real x, y, radius C: circle(x, y, radius) float x, y, radius; Pascal: procedure Circle(x, y, radius: real) Curve Routines. curvebasis(basis) Define a basis matrix for a curve. Fortran: subroutine curvebasis(basis) real basis(4,4) C: curvebasis(basis) float basis[4][4]; Pascal: procedure CurveBasis(basis: Matrix44_t) curveprecision(nsegs) Define the number of line segments used to draw a curve. Fortran: subroutine curveprecision(nsegs) integer nsegs C: curveprecision(nsegs) int nsegs; Pascal: procedure CurvePrecision(nsegs: integer) rcurve(geom) Draw a rational curve. Fortran: subroutine rcurve(geom) real geom(4,4) C: VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 18 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) rcurve(geom) float geom[4][4]; Pascal: procedure Rcurve(geom: Matrix44_t) curve(geom) Draw a curve. Fortran: subroutine curve(geom) real geom(3,4) C: curve(geom) float geom[4][3]; Pascal: procedure Curve(geom: Matrix43_t) curven(n, geom) Draw n - 3 overlapping curve segments. Note: n must be at least 4. Fortran: subroutine curven(n, geom) integer n real geom(3,n) C: curven(n, geom) int n; float geom[][3]; Pascal: procedure Curven(n: integer; geom: GeomMat_t) Rectangles and General Polygon Routines. rect(x1, y1, x2, y2) Draw a rectangle. Fortran: subroutine rect(x1, y1, x2, y2) real x1, y1, x1, y2 C: rect(x1, y1, x2, y2) float x1, y1, x2, y2; Pascal: procedure Rect(x1, y1, x2, y2: real) polyfill(onoff) Set the polygon fill flag. This will always turn off hatching. A non-zero VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 19 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) (.true. ) turns polyfill on. Fortran: subroutine polyfill(onoff) logical onoff C: polyfill(onoff) int onoff; Pascal: procedure PolyFill(onoff: boolean) polyhatch(onoff) Set the polygon hatch flag. This will always turn off fill. A non-zero (.true.) turns polyhatch on. Fortran: subroutine polyhatch(onoff) logical onoff C: polyhatch(onoff) int onoff; Pascal: procedure PolyHatch(onoff: boolean) hatchang(angle) Set the angle of the hatch lines. Fortran: subroutine hatchang(angle) real angle C: hatchang(angle) float angle; Pascal: procedure HatchAng(angle: real) hatchpitch(pitch) Set the distance between hatch lines. Fortran: subroutine hatchpitch(pitch) real pitch C: hatchpitch(pitch) float pitch; Pascal: procedure HatchPitch(pitch: real) VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 20 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) poly2(n, points) Construct an (x, y) polygon from an array of points provided by the user. Fortran: subroutine poly2(n, points) integer n real points(2, n) C: poly2(n, points) int n; float points[][2]; Pascal: procedure Poly2(n: integer; points: Poly2_array_t) poly(n, points) Construct a polygon from an array of points provided by the user. Fortran: subroutine poly(n, points) integer n real points(3, n) C: poly(n, points) int n; float points[][3]; Pascal: procedure Poly(n: integer; points: Poly3_array_t) makepoly() makepoly opens up a polygon which will then be con- structed by a series of move-draws and closed by a closepoly. Fortran: subroutine makepoly C: makepoly() Pascal: procedure MakePoly closepoly() Terminates a polygon opened by makepoly. Fortran: subroutine closepoly C: closepoly() VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 21 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) Pascal: procedure ClosePoly backface(onoff) Turns on culling of backfacing polygons. A polygon is backfacing if it's orientation in *screen* coords is clockwise, unless a call to backfacedir is made. Fortran: subroutine backface(onoff) integer onoff C: backface(onoff) int onoff; Pascal: procedure BackFace(onoff: boolean) backfacedir(clockwise) Sets the backfacing direction to clockwise or anti- clockwise depending on whether clockwise is 1 or 0. Fortran: subroutine backfacedir(clockwise) integer clockwise C: backfacedir(clockwise) int clockwise; Pascal: procedure BackFaceDir(clockwise: boolean) Text Routines. VOGLE supports hardware and software fonts. The software fonts are based on the character set digitized by Dr Allen V. Hershey while working at the U. S. National Bureau of Standards. Exactly what hardware fonts are supported depends on the device, but it is guaranteed that the names "large" and "small" will result in something readable. It is noted here that text is always assumed to be drawn parallel to the (x, y) plane, using whatever the current z coordinate is. The following software fonts are supported: astrology cursive cyrillic futura.l futura.m gothic.eng gothic.ger gothic.ita greek markers math.low math.upp meteorology music script symbolic times.g times.i times.ib times.r times.rb japanese A markers font "markers" is also provided for doing markers - you need to have centertext on for this to give sensible VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 22 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) results - with the markers starting at 'A' and 'a'. If the environment variable "VFONTLIB" is set VOGLE looks for the software fonts in the directory given by this value. font(fontname) Set the current font Fortran: subroutine font(fontname) character*(*) fontname C: font(fontname) char *fontname Pascal: procedure Font(fontname: string_t) numchars() Return the number of characters in the current font. Applicable only to software fonts. Fortran: integer function numchars C: int numchars() Pascal: function NumChars: integer; textsize(width, height) Set the maximum size of a character in the current font. Width and height are values in world units. This only applies to software text. This must be done after the font being scaled is loaded. Fortran: subroutine textsize(width, height) real width, height C: textsize(width, height) float width, height; Pascal: procedure TextSize(width, height: real) textang(ang) Set the text angle. This angles strings and chars. This routine only affects software text. Fortran: VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 23 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) subroutine textang(ang) real ang C: textang(ang) float ang; Pascal: procedure TexTang(ang: real) fixedwidth(onoff) Turns fixedwidth text on or off. Non-zero (.true.) is on. Causes all text to be printed fixedwidth. This rou- tine only affects software text. Fortran: subroutine fixedwidth(onoff) logical onoff C: fixedwidth(onoff) int onoff; Pascal: procedure FixedWidth(onoff: boolean) centertext(onoff) Turns centertext text on or off. Non-zero (.true.) is on. This centres strings and chars. This routine only affects software text. Fortran: subroutine centertext(onoff) logical onoff C: centertext(onoff) int onoff; Pascal: procedure CenterText(onoff: boolean) getcharsize(c, width, height) Get the width and height of a character. At the moment the height returned is always that of the difference between the maximum descender and ascender. Fortran: subroutine getcharsize(c, width, height) character*1 c real width, height C: getcharsize(c, width, height) char c; float *width, *height; VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 24 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) Pascal: procedure GetCharSize(c: char; var width, height: real) getfontsize(width, height) Get the maximum width and height of a character in a font. Fortran: subroutine getfontsize(width, height) real width, height C: getfontsize(width, height) float *width, *height; Pascal: procedure GetFontSize(var width, height: real) drawchar(c) Draw the character c. The current graphics position represents the bottom left hand corner of the character space. Fortran: subroutine drawchar(c) character c C: drawchar(str) char c; Pascal: procedure DrawChar(c: char) drawstr(str) Draw the text in string at the current position. Fortran: subroutine drawstr(str) character*(*) str C: drawstr(str) char *str; Pascal: procedure DrawStr(str: string_t) strlength(str) Return the length of the string s in world units. Fortran: real function strlength(str) character*(*) str C: VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 25 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) float strlength(str) char *str; Pascal: function StrLength(str: string_t): real; boxtext(x, y, l, h, s) Draw the string s so that it fits in the imaginary box defined with bottom left hand corner at (x, y), length l, and hieght h. This only applies to software text. Fortran: subroutine boxtext(x, y, l, h, s) real x, y, l, h, s C: boxtext(x, y, l, h, s) float x, y, l, h, s; Pascal: procedure BoxText(x, y, l, h: real; s: string_t) boxfit(l, h, nchars) Set scale for text so that a string of the biggest characters in the font will fit in a box l by h. l and h are real values in world dimensions. This only applies to software text. Fortran: subroutine boxfit(l, h, nchars) real l, h integer nchars C: boxfit(l, h, nchars) float l, h int nchars Pascal: procedure BoxFit(l, h: real; nchars: integer) Transformations Routines. All transformations are cumulative, so if you rotate some- thing and then do a translate you are translating relative to the rotated axes. If you need to preserve the current transformation matrix use pushmatrix(), do the drawing, and then call popmatrix() to get back where you were before. translate(x, y, z) Set up a translation. Fortran: subroutine translate(x, y, z) VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 26 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) real x, y, z C: translate(x, y, z) float x, y, z; Pascal: procedure Translate(x, y, z: real) scale(x, y, z) Set up scaling factors in x, y, and z axis. Fortran: subroutine scale(x, y, z) real x, y, z C: scale(x, y, z) float x, y, z; Pascal: procedure Scale(x, y, z: real) rotate(angle, axis) Set up a rotation in axis axis. Where axis is one of 'x', 'y', or 'z'. Fortran: subroutine rotate(angle, axis) real angle character axis C: rotate(angle, axis) float angle; char axis; Pascal: procedure Rotate(angle: real; axis: char) Patch Routines. patchbasis(tbasis, ubasis) Define the t and u basis matrices of a patch. Fortran: subroutine patchbasis(tbasis, ubasis) real tbasis(4, 4), ubasis(4, 4) C: patchbasis(tbasis, ubasis) float tbasis[4][4], ubasis[4][4]; Pascal: procedure PatchBasis(tbasis, ubasis: Matrix44_t) patchprecision(tseg, useg) VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 27 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) Set the minimum number of line segments making up curves in a patch. Fortran: subroutine patchprecision(tseg, useg) integer tseg, useg C: patchprecision(tseg, useg) int tseg, useg; Pascal: procedure PatchPrecision(tseg, useg: integer) patchcurves(nt, nu) Set the number of curves making up a patch. Fortran: subroutine patchcurves(nt, nu) integer nt, nu C: patchcurves(nt, nu) int nt, nu; Pascal: procedure PatchCurves(nt, nu: integer) rpatch(gx, gy, gz, gw) Draws a rational patch in the current basis, according to the geometry matrices gx, gy, gz, and gw. Fortran: subroutine rpatch(gx, gy, gz, gw) real gx(4,4), gy(4,4), gz(4,4), gw(4,4) C: rpatch(gx, gy, gz, gw) float gx[4][4], gy[4][4], gz[4][4], gw[4][4]; Pascal: procedure Rpatch(gx, gy, gz, gw: Matrix44_t) patch(gx, gy, gz) Draws a patch in the current basis, according to the geometry matrices gx, gy, and gz. Fortran: subroutine patch(gx, gy, gz) real gx(4,4), gy(4,4), gz(4,4) C: patch(gx, gy, gz) float gx[4][4], gy[4][4], gz[4][4]; Pascal: VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 28 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) procedure Patch(gx, gy, gz: Matrix44_t) Point Routines. point(x, y, z) Draw a point at x, y, z Fortran: subroutine point(x, y, z) real x, y, z C: point(x, y, z) real x, y, z; Pascal: procedure Point(x, y, z: real) point2(x, y) Draw a point at x, y. Fortran: subroutine point2(x, y) real x, y C: point2(x, y) float x, y; Pascal: procedure Point2(x, y: real) Object Routines. Objects are graphical entities created by the drawing rou- tines called between makeobj and closeobj. Objects may be called from within other objects. When an object is created most of the calculations required by the drawing routines called within it are done up to where the calculations involve the current transformation matrix. So if you need to draw the same thing several times on the screen but in dif- ferent places it is faster to use objects than to call the appropriate drawing routines each time. Objects also have the advantage of being saveable to a file, from where they can be reloaded for later reuse. Routines which draw or move in screen coordinates, or change device, cannot be included in objects. makeobj(n) Commence the object number n. Fortran: subroutine makeobj(n) integer n C: makeobj(n) VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 29 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) int n; Pascal: procedure MakeObj(n: integer) closeobj() Close the current object. Fortran: subroutine closeobj() C: closeobj() Pascal: procedure CloseObj genobj() Returns a unique object identifier. Fortran: integer function genobj() C: int genobj() Pascal: function GenObj: integer getopenobj() Return the number of the current object. Fortran: integer function getopenobj() C: int getopenobj() Pascal: function GetOpenObj: integer callobj(n) Draw object number n. Fortran: subroutine callobj(n) integer n C: callobj(n) int n; Pascal: procedure CallObj(n: integer) VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 30 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) isobj(n) Returns non-zero if there is an object of number n. Fortran: logical function isobj(n) integer n C: int isobj(n) int n; Pascal: function IsObj(n: integer): boolean; loadobj(n, filename) Load the object in the file filename a object number n. Fortran: subroutine loadobj(n, filename) integer n character*(*) filename C: loadobj(n, filename) int n; char *filename; Pascal: procedure LoadObj(n: integer; filename: string_t) saveobj(n, filename) Save the object number n into the file filename. This call does not save objects called inside object n. Fortran: saveobj(n, filename) integer n character*(*) filename C: saveobj(n, filename) int n; char *filename; Pascal: procedure SaveObj(n: integer; filename: string_t) Double Buffering. Where possible VOGLE allows for front and back buffers to enable things like animation and smooth updating of the screen. The routine backbuffer is used to initialise double buffering. backbuffer() VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 31 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) Make VOGLE draw in the backbuffer. Returns -1 if the device is not up to it. Fortran: integer function backbuffer C: backbuffer() Pascal: function BackBuffer:integer frontbuffer() Make VOGLE draw in the front buffer. This will always work. Fortran: subroutine frontbuffer C: frontbuffer() Pascal: procedure FrontBuffer swapbuffers() Swap the front and back buffers. Fortran: subroutine swapbuffers C: swapbuffers() Pascal: procedure SwapBuffers Position Routines. getgp(x, y, z) Gets the current graphics position in world coords. Fortran: subroutine getgp(x, y, z) real x, y, z C: getgp(x, y, z) float *x, *y, *z; Pascal: procedure GetGp(var x, y, z: real) VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 32 VOGLE(3) C LIBRARY FUNCTIONS VOGLE(3) getgp2(x, y) Gets the current graphics position in world coords. Fortran: subroutine getgp2(x, y) real x, y C: getgp2(x, y) float *x, *y; Pascal: procedure GetGp2(var x, y: real) sgetgp2(x, y) Gets the current screen graphics position in screen coords (-1 to 1) Fortran: subroutine sgetgp2(x, y) real x, y C: sgetgp2(x, y) float *x, *y; Pascal: procedure SgetGp2(var x, y: real) BUGS We had to make up the font names based on some books of type faces. Polygon hatching on 3 d polygons sometimes gives unexpected results. Double buffering isn't supported on all devices. We don't recommend the use of the smove/sdraw routines. The yobbarays may be turned on or they may be turned off. VOGLE 1.2.1 Last change: 28 Mar 1991 33