Differences between html-mode and html-helper-mode

There are several similarities between html-helper-mode and html-mode This isn't surprising, since my mode was inspired by html-mode. Here's an (incomplete) list of the differences:

Insertion philosophy
html-mode frequently prompts the user in the minibuffer for the data to fill in fields like titles or headers. In html-helper-mode, prompting is a user-controlled option.

Modifying regions
In html-helper-mode, every command will instead modify the region if it is called with a prefix argument.

Automatic text insertion
html-helper-mode can automatically insert skeletons for new documents and also maintain timestamps.

Minimal syntax support
html-helper-mode does its best to tell emacs about the syntax of HTML documents.

html-helper-mode indents nested lists

HTML cookies are coloured nicely with hilit19.

A few obsolete cookies have been removed, a few new cookies have been added, and the keybindings have been completely rearranged to be compliant with emacs standards.

HTML cookies can be completed in the buffer with M-TAB.

Missing features
Some features of html-mode are not included. These include the ability to quotify old-style HREFs and automatic naming of anchors

Last modified: Wed Feb 1 14:16:27 1995
Nelson Minar <nelson@santafe.edu>